Appetizers Dinner Party

Pumpkin Patch Pizza

1 pizza dough ball

3 orange peppers, cores & seeds removed

3 carrots, peeled

1 yellow pepper, core & seeds removed

3 green onions

1 Tbsp Italian Seasoning

1 Tbsp of orange colored seasoning like Goya or orange Seasoning

1 Tbsp Garlic Salt

1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil


  1. Cut 2 of the orange peppers, and the carrots into small diced pieces. Dice the green onion white parts and add this to this mixture.  Remove green part of onions to use as “pumpkin stems.”
  2. Slice up the last orange pepper and yellow pepper in sticks for the “sun”.
  3. Sauté white part of green onions with peppers, carrots and orange seasoning in a little bit of oil for 10 minutes.  
  4. Roll out pizza dough on a flour dusted surface.
  5. Put dough on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Brush dough with vegetable oil and sprinkle all over with garlic salt.  Sprinkle bottom only with Italian Seasoning.
  6. Add cooked veggie mixture as circles on the dough for “pumpkins”.  Add green onion as a stem and then arrange orange and yellow pepper sticks as the sun.  Slightly press everything down into dough. 
  7. Bake at 350 for 20–25 minutes.
  8. Serve your pizza with your favorite dipping sauce. 

Fearless Fun Festive Menu

Maple Cider Twister

Nutty Maple Brie

Apple Chicken & Cheddar Bites

Pumpkin Patch Pizza